Join us on Crew Craft
Crew Craft is free to join at the IP below. To play in survival, please apply!
CCS 2.0 IP:
CCS Legacy IP:
Thank your for your interest in Crew Craft. The application process is done via Discord.
On the Discord server, navigate to the #apply channel and click the "Apply" button. You will receive a DM from @CCS-ApplyBot with the application questions. Please be sure to give a proper response to each question. Short/incomplete responses will not be considered. Multiple applications from the same person will not increase your chances of being accepted. We are looking for players who are dedicated, want to have fun building and creating as well as being part of a close community. Our server is small, but that makes it more personal. It is our virtual home, and we welcome you. Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by our moderation team. If you are accepted, you will receive a DM from the bot.
Please click the button below to join the Discord server.

Crew Craft Server by CCS‑ApplyBot